It all starts with a domain name ... enter a name that identifies your idea
.it € 12,00 | .com € 14,99 | .net € 16,99 | .org € 16,99
Discover our web hosting packages from € 11.19/month
We register your name on over 1400 different extensions in real time
1999 - 2024
25 Years Together
A heartfelt thank you to everyone who believed in us,
We offer you all Web Hosting packages, discounted by 25%1999 - 2024
We manage your IT, so you can manage your business.
Take charge of your business continuity with ours innovative Technology.
1999 - 2024
Fast, reliable and secure
web hosting solutions.SpeedUP your Website With our NVMe solutions!
1999 - 2024
more than 1400 domain extensions, in real Time.
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Pick the perfect name for your business
1999 - 2024
Securely store, manage, and share your data online
You can choose from a range of plans with different storage limits of up to 50 TB
From € 9,90 for 2TB
1999 - 2024
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Зардлын үр ашиг
We offer affordable web hosting services and domain registration solutions that help you reduce costs and improve your bottom line.
Шинэлэг технологи
We stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends and offer innovative services that help you stay ahead of the competition.
Аж үйлдвэрийн мэргэжил
Бид эрүүл мэнд, санхүү, үйлдвэрлэл зэрэг тодорхой салбаруудад үйлчлэх чиглэлээр мэргэшсэн бөгөөд таны өвөрмөц хэрэгцээнд нийцсэн шийдлийг санал болгодог.
Өргөтгөх чадвар
Our web hosting solutions are scalable and can grow with your business, ensuring that you get the most value out of your investment.
1 strategic positions
We are present in 14 Datacenters around the world
You can decide where to place the data roles on each individual MICROchip product
2 right products
Instant Products Activation
Suggested for Personal use
manage up to 5 domains
- ⛁Disk space> 16 Gb NVMe
- 🔗 Monthly traffic> 256 Gb
- 💾 Daily Backup / Last 7 Day
- 🌐 Manage> 5 домэйн
- ✉ Email Boxes> 5 *
- ✉ Webmail> Included
- ✉ Pop3 / Imap> Included
- 🛢 Database> 5 *
- 🔒 SSL Cert.> Included
- 🤖 AI Firewall
- 🇼 Wordpress 1 Click
- 👷🏼♂️ Softacolous Installer
- 🏗️ Website Builder +850 Themes
- Data Center>EU / USA / ASIA
* can use all available space, you can buy more in your panel.
Suggested for eCommerce
manage up to 10 domains
- ⛁ Disk space> 64 Gb NVMe
- 🔗 Monthly traffic> 1 Tb
- 💾 Daily Backup / Last 7 Day
- 🌐 Manage> 10 домэйн
- ✉ Email Boxes> 10 *
- ✉ Webmail> Included
- ✉ Pop3 / Imap> Included
- 🛢 Database> 10 *
- 🔒 SSL Cert.> Included
- 🤖 AI Firewall
- 🇼 Wordpress 1 Click
- 👷🏼♂️ Softacolous Installer
- 🏗️ Website Builder +850 Themes
- Data Center>EU / USA / ASIA
* can use all available space, you can buy more in your panel.
Suggested for eCommerce
manage up to 20 domains
- ⛁ Disk space> 128 Gb NVMe
- 🔗 Monthly traffic> 2 Tb
- 💾 Daily Backup / Last 7 Day
- 🌐 Manage> 20 домэйн
- ✉ Email Boxes> 20 *
- ✉ Webmail> Included
- ✉ Pop3 / Imap> Included
- 🛢 Database> 20 *
- 🔒 SSL Cert.> Included
- 🤖 AI Firewall
- 🇼 Wordpress 1 Click
- 👷🏼♂️ Softacolous Installer
- 🏗️ Website Builder +850 Themes
- Data Center>EU / USA / ASIA
* can use all available space, you can buy more in your panel.
manage 1 domain
- ⛁ Disk space> 5 Gb SSD
- 🔗 Monthly traffic> 50 Gb
- 💾 Daily Backup / Last 7 Day
- 🌐 Manage> 1 домэйн
- ✉ Email Boxes> 5 x 1Gb
- ✉ Webmail> Included
- ✉ Pop3 / Imap> Included
- 🛢 Database> 1 *
- 🔒 SSL Cert.> Included
- 🤖 AI Firewall
- 🇼 Wordpress 1 Click
- 👷🏼♂️ Softacolous Installer
- 🏗️ Website Builder +850 Themes
- Data Center>EU / USA / ASIA
* can use all available space, you can buy more in your panel.
manage up to 5 domains
- ⛁ Disk space> 16 Gb SSD
- 🔗 Monthly traffic> 256 Gb
- 💾 Daily Backup / Last 7 Day
- 🌐 Manage> 5 домэйн
- ✉ Email Boxes> 5 *
- ✉ Webmail> Included
- ✉ Pop3 / Imap> Included
- 🛢 Database> 5 *
- 🔒 SSL Cert.> Included
- 🤖 AI Firewall
- 🇼 Wordpress 1 Click
- 👷🏼♂️ Softacolous Installer
- 🏗️ Website Builder +850 Themes
- Data Center>EU / USA / ASIA
* can use all available space, you can buy more in your panel.
manage up to 10 domains
- ⛁ Disk space> 64 Gb SSD
- 🔗 Monthly traffic> 1 Tb
- 💾 Daily Backup / Last 7 Day
- 🌐 Manage> 10 домэйн
- ✉ Email Boxes> 10 *
- ✉ Webmail> Included
- ✉ Pop3 / Imap> Included
- 🛢 Database> 10 *
- 🔒 SSL Cert.> Included
- 🤖 AI Firewall
- 🇼 Wordpress 1 Click
- 👷🏼♂️ Softacolous Installer
- 🏗️ Website Builder +850 Themes
- Data Center>EU / USA / ASIA
* can use all available space, you can buy more in your panel.
manage up to 20 domains
- ⛁ Disk space> 128 Gb SSD
- 🔗 Monthly traffic> 2 Tb
- 💾 Daily Backup / Last 7 Day
- 🌐 Manage> 20 домэйн
- ✉ Email Boxes> 20 *
- ✉ Webmail> Included
- ✉ Pop3 / Imap> Included
- 🛢 Database> 20 *
- 🔒SSL Cert..> Included
- 🤖 AI Firewall
- 🇼 Wordpress 1 Click
- 👷🏼♂️ Softacolous Installer
- 🏗️ Website Builder +850 Themes
- Data Center>EU / USA / ASIA
* can use all available space, you can buy more in your panel.
Best Speed For
Instant Licence Activation
Try it FREE for 30 Days
You have 30 days to try the Web Hosting service for free.
You can switch, within the deadline, directly from your control panel, to the paid version, by clicking on UPGRADE / DOWNGRADE of the product without losing your data. Otherwise the service is automatically deleted.
3 best support
Satisfied customers are our best ads.
Our IT support is a partner of your business. We work with you to ensure your technology setup not only gets the job done, but supports your company’s broader goals. Entrepreneurs and managers, like you, deserve more. You deserve an IT partner who is as committed to your business’ success as you are.
Батлагдсан бичлэг
Хэрэглэгчийн сэтгэл ханамж
Бид дууссан
Хариулах дундаж хугацаа
MICROchip chose NordVPN®
Get secure and private access to the internet.
On Microchip Domain Registration Web Hosting,
Buy our VPN and protect your personal data, browse with peace of mind whenever you use public Wi-Fi, access your personal and work accounts on the go and at home, or just want to keep your browsing history to yourself.
Hide your IP address
Protect your identity online
No logs of your browsing activities
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Use AES256 military-grade encryption
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more than 5500 access points in 50 countries worldwide
connect up to 6 devices simultaneously
APP for windows, mac, linux, android and ios
Solving IT challenges in every industry, every day.
What our clients say about working with MICROchip
“They know what they’re doing, and the team is prompt and well-organized.”
Business Operations Coordinator, Pharmaceutical
“Even though we gave them short notice, they jumped in and helped us move mountains to set up our Servers.”
Analyst, Fitness Company
“They do their very best to make sure you succeed. If there’s an issue, they step in immediately.”
Vice President Marketing Communications
“We’re 100% satisfied with their work, and MICROchip has exceeded our expectations.”
Litigation Support Associate, Kennedy Berg LLP
“Their responsiveness is really great — they resolve issues promptly.”
Deputy Director, National Academy of Design
“They recognize that our success is in everyone’s interest, and they work hard to help us get there.”
Head of IT, Restaurant Product Supplier
Шилдэг мэдээллийн технологийн үйлдвэрлэгчдийг танд хүргэж байна.
Зөвхөн шилдэгүүдтэй хамтран ажиллаж, үйлчилгээнийхээ чанарыг баталгаажуулж, хамгийн сүүлийн үеийн технологийг хэрэгцээтэй хүмүүст хүргэх.
Таны мэдээллийн технологийн сорилтууд
Дата төв ба хостинг
Манай байгууламж – Дата төв нь дизайн, бүтээн байгуулалт, ашиглалтад зориулсан ANSI/TIA-942 зэрэглэлийн 4 гэрчилгээний шаардлагыг хангасан АНУ-д анхных юм.
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure
Дижитал далай
Хамтын ажиллагаа
Орчин үеийн үүлэн технологийн хэдий ч таны хэрэглэгчид Microsoft Office-ийн танил орчинд ажилладаг бөгөөд өргөн нийцтэй байдал, босго багатай хандалтын үр шимийг хүртдэг.
Онлайнаар солилцох
Sharepoint Online
365-д зориулсан хамгаалагч
Автомат нисгэгч
Оффисын програмууд
Windows 365
Үүлэн платформ
Гүйцэтгэлийг сайжруулж, мэдээллийн технологийн зардлыг бууруулж, компанийхаа өгөгдөлд ямар ч төхөөрөмжөөс, хэзээ ч, хаанаас ч найдвартай, найдвартай нэвтрэх боломжийг олгох зорилготой үүлэн платформ.
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Microsoft Azure
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Oracle Cloud
IBM Cloud (Kyndryl)
Линод (Акамай)
Сүлжээ ба холболт
Сүлжээний топологи нь төв, шугаман, мод, од загваруудыг багтаадаг бөгөөд тэдгээр нь компьютер эсвэл төхөөрөмжүүдийн хоорондын холболтыг дэмжих зорилгоор тус бүрийг өөр өөрөөр тохируулдаг.
CiscoSophos Watchguard
Extreme Networks
Dell Technologies
MICROchip offers a fast and easy to use control panel for your web hosting and domain registrations
Among the main features of cPanel, we find the possibility to manage the hosting account, create and manage email accounts, manage databases, install web applications, monitor website statistics and much more. cPanel is very easy to use and does not require any advanced technical knowledge.
Thanks to cPanel, our customers can easily manage their website and hosting server, without having to acquire advanced technical knowledge.
cPanel is highly customizable and can be tailored to each client's specific needs.cPanel is an essential tool for anyone who has a website and wants to manage it easily and efficiently.
Thanks to its wide range of features and ease of use, cPanel has become an industry standard and MICROchip is proud to offer it to its customers as part of its web hosting services.
We offer a fully functional cPanel demo that will let you see how easy it is to use before placing your order.
MICROchip offers cPanel to its customers as an integral part of its web hosting services.
Амжилтын түүхүүд
What Is a Virtual Machine? and How Does It Work?
A virtual machine is a software program or an emulation of a computer system that can run multiple operating systems and applications on a single physical machine. It offers a way to create a dedicated environment that can run various operating systems without affecting the host system. Virtual machines simulate computing environments, allowing users to run operating systems, applications, and software that may not be natively supported by their operating system. They also provide a way for users to test new software, applications, and configurations without risking damage to their computer or underlying operating system. Virtual machines are widely used in server consolidation, desktop virtualization, software testing and development, running legacy applications, and cybersecurity. They can be installed on various platforms including desktop computers, servers, and cloud computing platforms.
7 benefits of cloud computing
1. Cost Savings: Cloud computing eliminates the need for large upfront investments in hardware, software, and infrastructure. This reduces costs, making it ideal for small and medium-sized businesses.
2. Scalability: Cloud computing services can be scaled up or down depending on business requirements, reducing the need for in-house IT infrastructure that’s expensive to maintain.
3. Reliability: A reliable cloud service provider guarantees maximum uptime, so you won’t have to worry about system failure or downtime.
4. Accessibility: Cloud services offer remote access to applications and data from anywhere, at any time, with an internet connection.
5. Collaboration: The cloud facilitates seamless collaboration between employees across locations, making it easier to share data and collaborate on projects, enhancing productivity.
6. Security: Cloud providers offer data protection measures such as end-to-end encryption, two-factor authentication, and proactive monitoring, ensuring data safety.
7. Disaster Recovery: Cloud providers offer Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS), allowing businesses to restore data quickly and easily in the event of data loss or disruption, minimizing downtime and impact on the business.
How to Install WordPress on Your cPanel Account
If you are new to creating a website or starting a WordPress blog, it is recommended to choose hosting based on cPanel which allows website owners to easily manage their website without technical knowledge. cPanel is an online Linux-based GUI used to control and manage a website, publish an entire website, manage domains, organize website data, and more. Although cPanel is not the only website management platform out there, it is the most popular and user-friendly one. cPanel comes with two interfaces: the cPanel itself and the server management interface called Web Host Manager (WHM). It is private and secure but it is recommended to use security and maintenance services for your WordPress website to protect against hackers and cybercriminals. The combination of WordPress and cPanel is robust and provides amazing usability, feasibility, and customization options to users.
Мэдээллийн технологийн цогц чиглэлээр бидэнтэй хамтран ажиллана уу
Бид таны асууж болох бүх асуултад хариулж, манай үйлчилгээний аль нь таны хэрэгцээнд хамгийн сайн тохирохыг тодорхойлоход тань туслахдаа баяртай байна.
- Их Британи + 44 20 380 73 380
- CH + 41 446 88 00 13
- ES + 34 822 25 00 65
- IT + 39 010 848 00 16
- BR + 55 213 90 07 201
- DK + 45 78 77 25 60
- АНУ + 1 917 672 88 72
- AU + 61 291 88 93 55
- IR + 35 381 86 63 582
- CZ + 42 023 77 62 277
- NL + 31 970 10 28 06 88
Таны ашиг тус:
- Үйлчлүүлэгчид чиглэсэн
- Бие даасан
- Чадварлаг
- Үр дүнд тулгуурласан
- Асуудал шийдэх
- Ил тод
Дараа нь юу болох вэ?
Бид таны ая тухтай цагт дуудлага хийх хуваарь гаргана
Бид нээлт, зөвлөгөө өгөх уулзалт хийдэг
Бид санал бэлтгэдэг
Үнэгүй зөвлөгөө авах хуваарь гарга
Шилдэг хүмүүсээр хүлээн зөвшөөрөгдсөн
Гэрээний дараах хэдэн сая долларын хураамж, торгууль төлөхөөс зайлсхийхийн тулд компани нарийн төвөгтэй шилжилт хөдөлгөөнийг тодорхой хугацаанд дуусгах шаардлагатай байв.